Pvt. Nicholas Minue School
Safety Patrols
The Pvt. Nicholas Minue School Safety Patrols provide an essential service to our school by assisting with student arrival and dismissal procedures. The patrols are made up of 4th and 5th graders who have earned the privilege to wear their safety belts by demonstrating leadership, responsibility, care and concern for others. Their responsibilities include carrying out the instructions of the bus driver, assisting younger students on the school bus by helping them with their seat belts and safely escorting younger students to their designated arrival location within the building. Our Safety Patrols assist the faculty in ensuring students are safe while waiting for the bus to arrive, boarding their correct bus at dismissal, and ensuring that students are acting in a safe manner on school buses. Our patrols follow the guidelines of AAA and wear the AAA safety patrol belts. These exemplary students do a wonderful job of helping to keep our students safe and start and end their days with a kind smile and a helping hand. In addition to keeping our students safe, the safety patrols serve as excellent role models for our younger students and for students who aspire to take on a leadership role in our school.